วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2551

กำหนดการอบรมยุวเนกขัมมบารมี (Schedule)

Schedule: Practicing the Dhamma on Visakha Puja Day‎
Project: The Ordination for young ascetics “Nekkamma Baramee”‎

Saturday 17th May Morning
‎09.00 - Arrival
‎ - Preparing before the Ordination to become a young ascetic
‎10.00 Start the Ordination
‎10.40 The merit making of offering food to the Buddhist monks
‎11.00 Lunch Time
Saturday 17th May Afternoon

‎13.00-14.00 Listen to rules / ways of practicing the Dhamma
‎14.01-15.30 Practicing the Dhamma
‎15.31-16.00 Break for “Pana” drink
‎16.01-17.00 Tidy up around the temple area
‎17.00-17.45 Free time
‎18.00-19.00 Pray in the evening/meditation retreat
‎19.20-21.00 Dhamma talk

Sunday 18th May Morning‎

‎05.00 - Wake up time‎
‎ -Meditation retreat
‎06.00- 07.00 Pray in the morning
‎07.30-08.30 Breakfast ‎
‎09.00-10.20 Practicing the Dhamma
‎10.30-12.00 The merit making of offering food to the Buddhist monks
‎12.01-13.00 Free Time

Sunday 18th May Afternoon

‎13.01-15.00 Practicing the Dhamma ‎
‎15.01-16.00 Dhamma talk / Practicing the Dhamma‎
‎16.00-1630 Break for “Pana” drink
‎16.01-17.00 Tidy up around the temple area ‎
‎17.00-17.45 Free Time
‎18.00-19.00 Meditation retreat
‎19.09 Leaving the ascetic hood (for youths)‎

Note: This schedule used for all youths and the non-formal students of ‎Wat Yarn (aged between 9-15 years)‎
